Starting My Journey as a Web Developer

2 min readDec 15, 2020
Laptop with code syntax and blue background

Hi, I’m Jacob. I’d like to start out by saying that I’d like to already consider myself somewhat of a developer. I have programmed in Python for a couple years now on and off but never took it too seriously. Recently I got a subscription to Team Treehouse, and started taking their front-end web development course. Over the last couple of years if I have really learned anything from programing its that you have to be consistent and organized, creative, and disciplined. I’m hoping to take my past lessons and take what I’ve learned from them to grow and prosper in the world of programming, and hopefully one day create a source of income from my knowledge.

As someone who pays attention to social media, it’s come to my attention that developers have been doing the #100DaysOfCoding challenge. Once I realized someone I followed on Instagram was participating in the challenge, I saw how much he was progressing as a programmer, how much cleaner and efficient his code got. I started this challenge 4 days ago and my goal for the challenge is to become more disciplined and program more often. My code will be more organized, and efficiently and cleanly written.

One big reason I’m focusing on front end web development is to hopefully get to be apart of a better career path. I currently work in construction, I cant complain to much about it but it just is not what I want to do 30 years down the line. I’ve gotten to do a lot of cool things in construction and it keeps me mentally focused, but it is terrible on your body. Over the years I’ve been playing with the Python language to do little projects or create something I find neat. All those years of playing around has made me realize some important things about programming as a whole. That code can be written however it has to be to get the outcome desired, but if the code isn't clean and other people cant understand your code then everything else doesn’t really matter. Organization, proper formatting, correct use of syntax and even how you use capitalization, all of this matters to writing outstanding code.

My long term goal with the #100DaysOfCode challenge and writing blogs here on Medium, is to become a better programmer. I believe its all the little steps of discipline that will give you your greatest results. Hopefully along my journeys I can help and inspire you (the reader) with your programming career or anything else I may be able to help with. Thank you for taking your time to read my article, have a good day!

